terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2020

Prof. Deniomar Brose - Inglês (02/06/2020)
Interprete o texto usando os exercícios abaixo. Lembre que para interpretar um texto, primeiro se sublinha o que não entende e procure a tradução em um dicionário on-line, junte e tente deduzir o significado. Podem retornar as respostas nos comentários. 
Thank you! Aguardo retorno!

1. Text: What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of hundreds of viruses that can cause fever, respiratory problems, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms too. The 2019 novel coronavirus, which is probably why you’re reading this right now, is one of seven members of this family known to infect humans, and the third in the past three decades to jump from animals to humans. A pneumonia-like disease, the 2019 novel coronavirus has caused a global health emergency, sickened more than 31,000 people worldwide, and killed nearly 650 so far. Coronaviruses are divided into four genera: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Coronaviruses are made up of one strip of RNA, and that genetic material is surrounded by a membrane studded with little spike proteins. (Under a microscope, those proteins stick up in a ring around the top of the virus, giving it its name—“corona” is Latin for “crown.”). When the virus gets into the body, those spike proteins attach to host cells, and the virus injects that RNA into the cell’s nucleus, hijacking the replication machinery there to make more virus. Infection ensues. (wired.com/story/what-is-a-coronavirus - adaptado)

2. Mark True or False

A. The coronavirus causes respiratory problems. ( )
B. The 2019 novel coronavirus has caused a global health emergency. ( )
C. Two people died in Brazil in 2018 because of the coronavirus. ( )
D. The coronavirus has never killed anyone. ( )

3. Complete conforme o texto: Em português

a) Os coronas vírus são de uma família de centenas de vírus que podem causar.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
b) Os corona vírus são feitos de uma tira de ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4.  Responda conforme o texto: Em português.

a) De onde vem o nome corona e o que significa?

b) O que acontece quando o vírus entra no corpo? Conforme o texto

c) No texto está a informação de onde vêm esses vírus, Como eles colocam isso?

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